Why You Should be Using Non-Toxic Bug Spray
No one likes mosquitos, ticks, gnats and other bugs. But do you like spraying toxins on your children’s skin? The main ingredient in most bug repellants, DEET, has been linked to central nervous system issues, skin irritation, and even behavioral problems and memory dysfunction.
What is DEET?
DEET is short for N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide (also known as N,N-diethyl-3-methylbenzamide) and is a member of the toluene chemical family. Toluene is an organic solvent used in rubber and plastic cements and paint removers. When DEET is sprayed on your skin, it will be absorbed into your bloodstream. And even though the number may seem low, there have been eight DEET related deaths since 1961 and 46 DEET related seizures.
Why DEET is Dangerous
Bottom line, DEET is a chemical that is meant to kills insects. Are you comfortable knowing that it can kill bugs, but positive it could not harm other life forms?
If you’re even the tiniest bit skeptical about spraying chemicals on your skin, then you’ll want to avoid it. But if you’re more trusting of the professional opinion of say the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), then you should know exactly what they have to say. The EPA reviewed DEET in 2014 and said “the agency has not identified any risks of concern to human health”. And they go on to say that DEET “should not be harmful”. I am very curious about the use of should in that sentence.
They also list ways of how DEET should be used and the EPA advises that you should “wash treated skin with soap and water” after you return indoors.
I don’t know about you, but they don’t seem 100% confident that DEET is safe.
DEET has been linked to the following:
- rashes
- skin irritation
- numb or burning lips
- nausea
- headaches
- dizziness
- difficulty concentrating
It gets worse, prolonged use of DEET has been found to cause brain cell death and behavioral changes.
Non-Toxic Bug Sprays
So how can you protect your family this summer from those annoying bugs? There are plenty of options out there including natural bugs spray ingredients such as specific essential oils fragrances like tea tree, citronella and more. Looking for some non-toxic bug sprays? I have found that Amazon has some great options. Click here to learn how to get doTerra essential oils & products at 25% off.
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