Quick & easy hidden veggie recipes the whole family will love

Once upon a time there was a mother who wasn't aware of how food affected health. Her son had chronic asthma, she had three miscarriages and had watched her parents suffer through cancer.

After changing her family's food choices, her son showed signs of recovery and she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. It was then that she became fascinated with food cures, using food as medicine and nutrition. She enrolled at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and became a health coach.

That mother was me and today I am passionate about inspiring others to be healthy, as well as providing great meal ideas to boost the nutrient value of your family meals using fast, real food recipes. That is why I created my new cookbook How to Get Your Kids to Beg for Veggies: Quick & Easy Hidden Veggie Recipes the Whole Family Will Love.

I was inspired by the cookbooks Deceptively Delicious and The Sneaky Chef which were the original "hide veggies to get your kids to eat healthy" books. I wanted to make a cookbook for moms like me – who don't particularly like to cook. So I came up with some easy recipes and even easier solutions to add those veggies (hint: I use organic veggie powder or baby food).

This cookbook is very near and dear to my heart for a variety of reasons. But why should it be important to you? Glad you asked! I think the statistics speak for themselves:

  • Autism is now diagnosed in 1 in 50 children
  • ADD are in 1 in 10
  • Asthma and allergies are 1 in 8
  • Childhood obesity is 1 in 3

We need to change this. The one thing all of these diseases have in common is the gut connection. When the gut is suffering from inflammation caused by processed food, pesticides, herbicides and toxins it leads to malabsorption of nutrients.

We need to ditch the Standard American Diet ("SAD") and opt for real food.

Some recipes you'll find in this cookbook include:

  • Chocolate Protein Spinach Smoothie
  • Perfect Paleo Pumpkin Pancakes
  • Pizza Pocket Sandwiches
  • Secret Ingredient Mac & Cheese Cups
  • Cowboy Carrot Baked Beans
  • The Best Beet Gingerbread Muffins
  • Healthy Chocolate Protein Balls
  • Beet Brownies
  • After School Yogurt Pop

This book is meant to help busy moms put real food on the table fast.  By cutting out processed, chemically-laden food and adding in more nutrients through clean, whole foods your children will inherently be healthier which can help set them up for a future that is free of disease.  

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Leann Forst, M.B.A., C.H.H.P., A.A.D.P.

Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner









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    See you there!  Leann