Basic Health History Phone Consultation


Basic 20-Minute Health History Phone Consultation 

This is completed prior to the start of an individual wellness program. In this 20 minute session, we review your health history and you will learn which individual wellness program is recommended to you and why.  You will also learn what the goals of your program (specific to your health condition) will be.





Basic 20-Minute Health History Phone Consultation

Prior to the start of an individual wellness program, a basic 20-minute Health History Phone Consultation is completed. 

STEP 1: Register for your $25 Basic health History Phone Consultation. You will receive a confirmation email with a link to download the health history zip file to your computer. The health history zip file includes 3 separate health history forms of child’s, men’s, and women’s.

STEP 2: Select the appropriate health history form or forms.

  • You can fill-out the form electronically on your computer. Remember to save your file to keep the information you entered and email the health history form back to me at OR
  • You can print out the form and fax it back to me when completed. A fax number is included in the confirmation email.
  • After receiving your completed health history form, I will review your health history you’ve emailed me within 48 hours Monday through Friday and email back to set up a date and time for your health history phone consultation. We will review your health history and discuss which program will be a fit for you. Program goals, dates, times and payment options will also be discussed. If you do not receive an email from me, check your email junk folder or email me at

STEP 3: Pat yourself on the back for taking the first step to change your health or the health of your family. 🙂  

My passion is to help you and your family get back to your best health as quickly as possible!


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"30 Day Cleanse: Detoxification in a Toxic World"


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Looking to overhaul your family's health?  Checkout my 30 Day Family Health Makeover program at

See you there!  Leann