Spring is right around the corner and many of us get busy with spring cleaning our closets and garages…but what about our health?  

During the month of March, I'm going to help you jump start your Clean Health Program by providing different ways to dejunk your food and revitalize your life.   

Where else should we start except for the major offenders?  There are some foods that are bad for our health and some that are really bad.  

Here is my list of toxic foods you should never eat:

1.  Bacon – Ok, so I know this isn't going to go over well with those Bacon Fest lovers but here goes.  We know that bacon is high in calories and fat….but did you know how high?  One 3 ounce serving contains 763 calories and 85 grams of fat.  Not only does bacon contribute to your waistline but bacon contains nitrates which are linked to cancer according to a study by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.  Not to mention the fact that according to an investigation by Consumer Reports – 69 percent of pork samples tested contained a dangerous bacteria called Yersinia enterocolitica, which causes fever and gastrointestinal illness with diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach cramps.  A pig’s digestive system—unlike a cow’s—is not designed to filter toxins from its system. These toxins work their way through the pig and are deposited in the animal’s flesh—especially in its fat.

2.  Soda – Drinking sodas are like drinking liquid candy.   They are linked to the growing obesity epidemic and contribute to such conditions as diabetes, certain cancers and endocrine disruption.   There are no nutrients in soda….heard the term 'empty calories'?  They contain mostly chemicals….most being bad for you.   Among the typical ingredients are high fructose corn syrup (linked to ADHD), artificial dyes (linked to behavioral issues and asthma), preservatives (linked to some cancerOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAs, hyperactivity and nervous system damage) and some contain BVO (brominated vegetable oil which is linked to memory loss and nerve disorders.

3.  Processed Meat – A fast deli sandwich sounds healthy but think twice about it.   Processed meat including ready-to-eat deli meat, sausage, ham, hot dogs and salami have been linked to increased cancers and heart disease.   The Harvard School of Public Health says that people who regularly eat just 1 to 2 slices of luncheon meat on a sandwich have 42 percent greater chance of cardiovascular disease and 20 percent increased risk in developing Type 2 diabetes than people who don't.   Processed meats are nearly 4 times higher in sodium than unprocessed meats and contain more nitrate preservatives.

Look for upcoming Spring Clean Your Health posts:  6 Pantry Purges, Fish Toxins and more clean eating recipes.

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Board Certified Health Coach and Food Toxin Specialist



Dangers of Preservatives; Livestrong, Aug. 2013

10 Absolutely Worst Foods You Can Eat by Maria Trimarchi

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    See you there!  Leann